A Gem Well Taken

The moment you realize you're a gem, is the moment you are swept off your feet!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Is it a sign?

Is it a sign that I'm getting old? Yes I know, 25 is still a baby, however I've been having moments that make me feel like it's coming faster than it should.

- When I turned 15 my Mom said, "just think in 15 more years you'll be thirty"
- When I turned 25 I thought, "just think in 25 more years you'll be 50"
- Keeping up with all the text lingo...I think I'm good with lol!
- What's up with pound, have you heard of that? That's the new word for knuckle wrap.
- Saying sick, for cool.
- Not knowing half of the new artist/bands out there, and not really caring too!
- My younger sisters telling me they have never seen Goonies, Pretty Woman or Dirty Dancing, come on, we are talking about some clasics here!

And the list can go on and on but what really hit me tonight was the top 100 names of 2005, can you believe my name was number 60! I couldn't believe it, next thing I know my name will be looked at as a Bertha, Florence, Ruth, Margaret, Rose or how about Velma! Oh well, the good news is that I'm ready for every day God has in store for me and that I'm so excited to see and experience all that is to come!


Blogger The Mac Fam said...

That is really the best attitude to take. Since I am almost ^gasp^ 33 (gulp)and 95% of the people I work with are 10 or more years younger than me I have to just have to chill out and enjoy the ride. After all life just keeps getting better and better and everyday God teaches me something new. Who wouldn't want that.

P.S. With the way you look, you don't have much to worry about anyway. :)

12:56 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Your name may be number 60 in the US but it is number one in the UK!

6:53 AM  
Blogger David Wegley said...

Hey don't worry, a few years back I looked at some teen age boys and said something to the effect of "May the Force be with you" and they looked at me like "huh?" I asked them if they had ever seen Star Wars. They had not. I mean come on! Who is raising these kids!
Don't worry, I'm going to be 30 in less than a month! Yea! I don't care how far back I was born. I just live in the moment, look and learn from the past and plan for the future. Set my goals and believe that God is going to take care of me and my family and friends.

7:51 AM  

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